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Our online Pet Portal is full of features that you should know about to make managing your dog’s appointments and care as easy as possible for you.

How to Set up Your Own Pet Portal

You will need to set up access to your online portal through the Book an Appointment button on our website. You’ll land on the “Welcome to the Bark Side” screen.

  1. Click on the “Your First Time Logging In? Sign Up Here!” Button.
  2. This will bring you to the New Online Account page. Be sure to use the name and phone number that you provided to us in the clinic when completing this screen, this will help ensure you are matched to your existing account that you have set up with us. Also, put in your email address and a password.
  3. Once done with that information, click the next button.
  4. You will now be on the Enter Address screen. Be sure to use the address that you provided to us in the clinic.
  5. Now, you will click on the I’m not a robot box and then click the Sign Up button.

Once you have done all of that, you should get a City Dog Vet Verification Email. Click on the Verify Email button in the email to finish the process. You should now be able to go back to the Book an Appointment button on our website and login using your email and password.

Access the following with the portal:

  • See and edit your details (address, phone, email)
  • Choose your communication preferences (email, mobile phone, landline)
  • See each of your dogs and their information
  • Request/book an appointment
  • See appointments that are already booked
  • See what medications you dog has been on or is currently taking
  • Request refills of prescribed medications (if refills have been authorized)
  • See your dogs Standard of Care, which includes due dates of vaccine and wellness items (heartworm, fecal, etc.) This is helpful if needed for daycares and boarding
  • View your invoices. Also extremely helpful if you have pet insurance

Please feel free to call us if you have any questions at 608-838-5963 or email us at

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