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In this series of posts, we’ll also discuss parasite prevention, vaccinations, neutering, nutrition, and wellness screening. All key components to your dog’s health.

Healthy Mouth = Healthy Dog

Regular home and professional dental care is necessary for all dogs. We base our City Dog protocol on guidelines put in place by the American Veterinary Medical Association and American Animal Hospital Association.

Over time, tartar, gum inflammation, and dental trauma build up. The result:

  1. Painful mouth
  2. Bad breath
  3. Infections
  4. Systemic disease

A young pup may require little attention from your veterinarian, but home care can get them off to a healthy start for long term maintenance. Older dogs may need professional every year or more. We recommend:

  1. Regular brushing and home products– Getting your pup used to the idea of brushing can start with simple face rubs, massaging the gums, and touching the teeth with your finger. Gradually you can introduce a tooth brush. There are a number of oral health products available to keep teeth and gums healthy. We always encourage those approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council, similar to the American Dental Association’s “seal of approval”.
  2. Dental Examinations – These are part of all regular physical exams at City Dog Vet. However, even with the best behaved dogs, there are areas of the mouth that are not easily visualized while awake. A complete examination of every tooth, all of the gingival tissue, under the tongue, back of the oral cavity, and tonsils can be examined for oral lesions, pathology including cancer, and abnormalities during a scheduled dental prophylaxis procedure.
  3. Dental Proplylaxis (often called “prophys”)
    • Includes anesthesia for dental evaluation, cleaning, and radiographs.
    • Pre-anesthetic bloodwork, IV catheter and fluids during the procedure, dental radiographs to identify problems, and diligent anesthetic monitoring are steps taken for safety and quick recovery.
    • Detailed charting is done by a Certified Veterinary Technician and veterinarian to track any abnormalities such as gingivitis, pocketing, etc which allows us to track progression as your dog ages.
    • Oral surgery for tooth extraction is common in dogs, and if needed can be performed during the time of prophy to restore health and comfort asap.
    • In rare cases, referral to a veterinary dentist or surgeon may be required for fillings, crown restoration on large teeth, or removal of large tumors and other advanced problems. Early detection is the best medicine.
Dental health is a commonly overlooked but critical component of your dog’s healthcare plan

We look forward to helping make the best custom plan that works for you and for your dog.

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